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Chorleywood Primary School

Happy and Successful

Contact Details

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  • Chorleywood Primary School,
  • Stag Lane, Chorleywood,
  • Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire,
  • WD3 5HR
  • Telephone: 01923 282095
  • Email:

School Financials

School Financials


Schools are responsible for the management of the public money allocated each year by Central Government via the Local Authority.  By managing the budget effectively, Chorleywood Primary School is able to optimise our resources to provide high-quality teaching and learning to raise standards, attainment and progress for all our pupils.


The Governing Board has formal responsibility for the financial management of our school and ensuring that there is a sound system of control in place.  As a community school maintained by the Local Authority, we are required to comply with all the requirements of The SVFS (Schools Financial Value Standard) which has been designed to assist schools in managing both their finances and assets.  The standard assists Governor's in ensuring the school is compliant, offers good value for money and has a sound system of control and risk management.  The completed standard is submitted to the Local Authority each year.


All schools are encouraged to take a strategic, medium term approach to financial planning.  In this context, Chorleywood Primary School use our finances to maximise pupil attainment and progress by maintaining a rolling three-year financial plan, linked to the school development and asset management plans.

Employee Earnings


There is now a requirement for all maintained Schools (effective 27th August 2020) to publish specific financial information on their School website, which needs to be complied with immediately.


This includes:

·        How many School employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000


This is not applicable to Chorleywood Primary School as none of the School employees are earning over £100,000


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-up Premium

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