Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Report 2024
How is Pupil Premium used at Chorleywood Primary?
We have a strategy for developing the attainment of the disadvantaged learners within our school community. We aim for our pupils to maximise their academic and social, emotional and behavioural potential in order for them to have high aspirations and a lifelong love of learning. Our strategy is based upon providing support via quality teaching for all, targeted support and using other approaches for pupils with specific needs. We have used a range of evidence bases; including the DfE recommended Education Endowment Federation (EEF) Toolkit to inform us of strategies of support that will have the maximum amount of impact on the learning outcomes for our Pupil Premium Children.
There is an ongoing review of the impact of strategies using a variety of monitoring activities such as: Pupil Progress Meetings, Book Scrutiny, Data Analysis, Learning Walks, Pupil Voice etc This data is used to inform our future Pupil Premium Strategy.
Use of Pupil Premium 2022-2023
For the academic year 2022-23 Chorleywood Primary School was allocated a ‘Pupil Premium’ amount of £22,075. This amount was used to support pupils in the following ways from January to March 23:
· The provision of one-to-one tuition to support their academic attainment and support with emotional intelligence with the intention to accelerate their progress.
· Support for metacognition through paired work and small group activities (children provided with strategies to motivate themselves and plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning)
· Financial support for music tuition
· Financial support for extracurricular activities, both internal and external to school
· Financial support for educational day visits and residential visits
· Enrichment and challenge activities for more able children
· Assistance with uniform
· Challenge to support more able pupils entitled to the pupil premium grant
· Time for the INCo to monitor interventions and the progress of these pupils
· Play therapy to support their self-esteem and confidence
· Parent partnership support through parent partnership workers who support families
· A specific teacher targeted to support in class 2 days a week
· Learning mentor support
Support is tailor made to each child in partnership with parents and staff.
Feedback from parents and eligible pupils indicates that the support for music tuition and extra-curricular activities had a very positive impact on enjoyment and achievement with eligible pupils achieving high grades in music examinations. Access to activities that were previously unaffordable.
Proposed use of Pupil Premium 2023-2024
For this coming academic year the level of the premium is £1455 per pupil and the school is expecting to receive a grant of approximately £13,095. Provision is planned on an individual basis to ensure that we best meet the needs of each eligible child. The Governing Board have agreed to continue to use this funding to support pupils as we have previously due to the successful pupil outcomes:
In school:
· The provision of small group tuition and intervention to support their academic attainment and support with emotional well-being with the intention to accelerate their progress. This has been particularly relevant as a result of lockdown. Many of our disadvantaged pupils regressed academically due to their barriers to learning.
· Additional time for monitoring of the attendance of the eligible pupils
· Support for vulnerable parents through the Inclusion Leader
· Support for metacognition through paired work and small group activities (children provided with strategies to motivate themselves and plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning)
· Financial support for music tuition
· Financial support for extracurricular activities, both internal and external to school
· Financial support for educational day visits and residential visits
· Enrichment and challenge activities for more able children
· Assistance with uniform
· Transportation
· 1-2-1 support for our most vulnerable pupils
· Challenge to support more able pupils entitled to the pupil premium grant
· Staffing to enable weekly boosting sessions in Y2/Y5 and Y6
· Time for the INCo to monitor interventions and the progress of these pupils
· Play therapy to support their self-esteem and confidence
· Parent partnership support through parent partnership workers who support families
· Partnership with external agencies
If you think that your child might be eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium funding please take a look at https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education/at-school/free-school-meals/free-school-meals.aspx, or come and speak to Mrs Coomber in confidence. The funding could have a significant impact on your child’s education.
September 2024
The impact of this strategy will be reviewed in December 2024