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Chorleywood Primary School

Happy and Successful

Contact Details

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  • Chorleywood Primary School,
  • Stag Lane, Chorleywood,
  • Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire,
  • WD3 5HR
  • Telephone: 01923 282095
  • Email:


Our staff:

Ms Jones is our class teacher and we have one Teaching Assistant– Miss Smith.

A typical day at Nursery:

  • Self-registration – we find our own names every day.
  • Stay and Play – our grown-ups stay and help us with an activity.  We call it "Busy Fingers" time because the activities help us to develop fine motor control.
  • Phonics – our activities help us to distinguish between different sounds, to recognise rhyming words and to hear sounds in words.  We are learning to write letters too!
  • Child-initiated learning – we choose where to play in Nursery.  There is so much to do - we love playing inside and outside.
  • Wake and Shake - we move our bodies to music to make sure our brains are wide awake!
  • Whole class or small group activity – we do activities related to our learning themes based on what we are interested in.  These activities cover the specific areas of the curriculum - Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
  • Child-initiated learning – there is some more time to play.
  • Story time/Singing – we love listening to stories and singing rhymes and songs.
  • Home time/Lunch Club - our grown-ups come to pick us up or we can stay for Lunch Club and eat together in the Nursery.

Our curriculum

Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We learn how to work, play, cooperate with others and function in a group beyond the family. We gain knowledge and understanding of our own and other cultures.

Communication and Language
We develop confidence and skills in expressing ourselves.  We have opportunities to speak and listen in a range of situations.

Physical Development
We develop our coordination, control and movement.  We learn about the importance of physical activity and to make healthy food choices.

Specific Areas

We learn how to link sounds and letters.  We listen to and talk about a wide variety of stories and make up our own.  We experience a range of ways to make marks and begin to form simple words.

We learn how to count, to recognise and use numbers and to explore and describe shapes, spaces and measures.

Understanding of the World
We find out about our environment, other people and the natural world. We develop skills in ICT and designing and making things.

Expressive Arts and Design
We develop our imagination. We express and communicate our ideas and feelings through art, music, dance and role play.


For full information on our Curriculum, as well as Workshop Presentations and Cracking Times Tables, please click here



To access letters sent out in the term, please click here.


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