Information for Parents
Meet Mrs Whitehill meeting slides Thursday 24th October 2024
The school office is able to help parents with their queries and is open from 8.30am to 4.30pm during the school week. Most of your questions can be answered by looking through the pages available on our website.
Parent/Carer Contact Details
Please ensure that you keep us updated of any change in contact details on an on going basis. It is important that the school is notified promptly about any changes to address, telephone numbers or email addresses. Should you wish to inform us of a change, please complete the 'Contact Details Update' form below and return it to the school office as soon as possible.
Leave of Absence Request
All pupils are expected to attend school throughout the 38 week academic year. The curricular work continues throughout the year and any absence may impact on your child’s progress. There is evidence to demonstrate that excellent pupil attendance produces excellent pupil attainment and progress. Therefore, we do not grant leave of absence for annual holidays. This will usually be unauthorised absence. The conditions under which leave of absence may be granted are contained in Regulation 7 of The Pupil Registration Regulations 2006. There is no provision for absence to be granted to parents as a right. However, we do recognise that there are occasions when, FOR EXCEPTIONAL REASONS a parent or carer needs to ask permission to take their child out of school during term time.
If you need to request permission for your child to be absent from school please complete the form below and return it to school no less than 2 weeks before the date that you want the absence to start.
A new National Framework for Penalty Notices for school absence, including unauthorised holiday absence, has been introduced following changes to the law. These new Government regulations came into effect on 19 August 2024.
There will be a new national threshold of 10 unauthorised sessions for any reason (equivalent to 5 school days) within a rolling 10 school week period for when a penalty notice must be considered. The new rules mean you will no longer be able to take your child out of school for one week’s holiday without a penalty notice being issued. The penalty fine is £80 per parent per child if paid within 21 days. If this is not paid within 21 days, it will rise to £160 per parent per child.
Safeguarding Children
All parents need to understand that schools have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of their pupils, that this responsibility necessitates a child protection policy and procedures, and that a school may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. Victoria Pearson, Acting Deputy Head and Michelle Coomber, School Business Manager are the Designated Senior Persons for Child Protection, and will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns parents/carers may have about Child Protection Policies and Practice. Please refer to our policies page to view our child protection policy for further information.
Keeping safe online - see our e-safety page
The school is committed to keeping your child safe and ensuring their well-being. In order to keep everyone up-to-date and well informed, we use Arbor, an electronic school communication system. The system will enable you to receive all your information from school quickly and reliably. We can send letters by email to your inbox and short messages directly to your mobile phone as an in-app message, if you have registered to receive these.
All payments for school shop products and trips are made using Arbor. You will also be able to reply to these types of communication; for example sending us any reasons for absence.
For more information please see the Arbor help: A quick introduction to Arbor for guardians and parents – Arbor Help Centre (
If you have any questions regarding logging in or student information held in the Portal, please contact :
The School Office e-mail:
Form 2 - Please complete Form 2 below should you wish to set up a Health Care Plan and give parental consent for the school to administer long term medication (eg, inhalers/epi pens).
Form 3A - Please complete Form 3A below should you wish to give parental consent for the school to administer short term medication (eg, antibiotics).
Ofsted Parent View